In this arrangement, a clearing agent or bank conducts the transactions between the buyer and seller and protects the interests of each. It holds the securities and ensures that the seller receives cash at the onset, that the buyer transfers funds for the benefit of the seller, and that the securities are delivered at maturity. The only clearing bank for tri-party repos in the U.S. is Bank of New York Mellon. Buyers can also use reverse repurchase agreements to satisfy obligations made to other firms in the form of cash or Treasury securities.
A Repurchase Agreement, or “repo”, involves the sale of a Treasury security and subsequent repurchase shortly thereafter for a marginally higher price. If positive interest rates are assumed, the repurchase price PF can be expected to be greater than the original sale price PN. Buy or sell back agreements legally document each transaction separately, providing clear separation in each transaction. In this way, each transaction can legally stand on its own without the enforcement of the other. RRPs, on the other hand, have each phase of the agreement legally documented within the same contract and ensure the availability and right to each phase of the agreement.
It is short-term and safer as a secured investment since the investor receives collateral. Market liquidity for repos is good, and rates are competitive for investors. A repurchase agreement (“repo”), also known as a sale-and-repurchase agreement, is an agreement involving the sale and subsequent repossession of the same security at a future date at a higher price. In simple terms, it is an exchange of a security (which acts as collateral) for cash. Repos and reverse repos are two sides of the same coin, reflecting the role of each party in the transaction. Repo refers to the buyer side of a repurchase agreement, while reverse repo refers to the seller side.
The repo rate and fed funds rate will move in line with each other, given that both are used for short-term financing. Therefore, the biggest influence on the repo rate is the Federal Reserve and its influence over the fed funds rate. After the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) agrees on the target fed funds range, it influences the current fed funds rate by conducting open market operations, with repos representing one such method. The money market fund has the capital that the hedge fund is currently seeking, and it is willing to accept the 10-year Treasury security as collateral.
Classified as a money market instrument, a repo is thus a short-term, collateral-backed, interest-bearing loan. The buyer acts as a short-term lender, while the seller is a short-term borrower. Essentially, repos and reverse repos are two sides of the same coin—or rather, transaction—reflecting the role of each party. A repo is an agreement between parties where a buyer agrees to temporarily purchase a basket or group of securities for a specified period. The buyer agrees to sell those same assets back to the original owner at a slightly higher price. Treasury or Government bills, corporate and Treasury/Government bonds, and stocks may all be used as «collateral» in a repo transaction.
Ambiguity in the usage of the term repo
Specialized repos have a bond guarantee at the beginning of the agreement and at maturity, along with the collateral. The Fed uses repos as a method of conducting temporary open market operations (TOMOs). Lastly, in an RRP, although collateral is in essence purchased, the collateral generally never changes physical location or actual ownership.
Like for the LCR, the regulations treat reserves and Treasuries as identical for meeting liquidity needs. Furthermore, since the crisis, the Treasury has kept funds in the Treasury General Account (TGA) at the Federal Reserve rather than at private banks. As a result, when the Treasury receives payments, such as from corporate taxes, it is draining reserves from the banking system. The TGA has become more volatile since 2015, reflecting a decision by the Treasury to keep only enough cash to cover one week of outflows. When the government runs a budget deficit, it borrows by issuing Treasury securities.
Alternatively it has no maturity date – but one or both parties have the option to terminate the transaction within a pre-agreed time frame. The longer the term of the repo, the more likely the collateral securities’ value will fluctuate before the repurchase, and business activities can affect the repurchaser’s ability to complete the contract. The securities used are usually low-risk government debt instruments, like U.S.
Types of Securities Used in a Repurchase Agreement
Information on the results of the Desk’s RRP operations is available here. The Federal Reserve manages overnight interest rates by setting the interest on reserve balances (IORB) rate, which is the rate paid to depository institutions on balances maintained at Federal Reserve Banks. The ON RRP provides a floor under overnight interest rates by offering a broad range of financial institutions that are ineligible to earn IORB, an alternative risk-free investment option. Together, the IORB rate and the ON RRP set a floor under overnight rates, beneath which banks and non-bank financial institutions should be unwilling to invest funds in private markets.
Thus, the Fed describes these transactions from the counterparty’s viewpoint rather than from their own viewpoint. Suppose a hedge fund wants to borrow money cheaply, while a money market mutual fund has excess cash. But the money market fund doesn’t want to hold cash because cash won’t earn interest. The hedge fund has plenty of assets but needs cash for its trading desk activities.
- Repo agreements carry a risk profile similar to any securities lending transaction.
- When the government runs a budget deficit, it borrows by issuing Treasury securities.
- Treasury securities, U.S. agency securities, or mortgage-backed securities from a primary dealer who agrees to buy them back within typically one to seven days; a reverse repo is the opposite.
- Changes in the ON RRP should cause a move away from the Fed as a primary counterparty toward the private sector.
- However, the capacity of the private repo market to handle much higher volumes is in some doubt.
In these cases, the Fed borrows money from the market, which it may do when there is too much liquidity in the system. The Fed is not the only central bank to use this liquidity-maintaining method. The Reserve Bank of India also uses repos and reverse repos as they work to stabilize the economy through the liquidity adjustment facility. Dealers who buy repo contracts are generally raising cash for short-term purposes. Hedge funds, insurance companies, and money market mutual funds may take advantage of repo agreements to receive a short-term infusion of cash.
Sell/buybacks and buy/sell backs
If the seller defaults against the buyer, then the collateral would need to be physically transferred. A longer tenor means that more can happen that affects the repurchaser’s ability to do so. Also, interest rate fluctuations are more likely to influence the value of the repurchased asset.
In this article, we’ll cover these complex and relatively obscure transactions and the role they play in financial markets. The largest risk in a repo is that the seller may fail to repurchase the securities at the maturity date. When this happens, the security buyer may liquidate the security to recover the cash it paid at first.
A reverse repurchase agreement (reverse repo) is the mirror of a repo transaction. In a reverse repo, one party purchases securities and agrees to sell them back for a positive return at a later date, often as soon as the next day. A reverse repo is simply the same repurchase agreement from the buyer’s viewpoint, not the seller’s.
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